Artist Connection Help Center

How to Monetize Content

How to Monetize Content

  1. Click Projects on the left hand menu of your studio portal.
  2. Find the project you want to monetize or create a new one. 

Learn how to create a new Project here.

  1. On the project you want to monetize, scroll down to the Project sharing options section. 
  1. Click the Paid button. This will expand the payment options for payment processors for web, Apple and Android. Select a provider for each platform.
  1. You will see two options for provider for Android and iOS:
    • Stripe: users will be brought to an Artist Connection branded payment portal using Stripe, subject to Stripe fees.
    • Apple App/Play Store billing: users will make purchases in-app, subject to Apple App/Play Store fees. 
  2. Set a price. 
  3.  Click Save Share Configuration.